Consumer Services

Life Skills

Working together to enhance skills and develop resources that open paths to independence through assessment, planning, and training services.

American Sign Language (ASL) Training

Our six-week classes introduce American Sign Language, the language used by Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing people in the United States and most of Canada. Since a language cannot be separated from its culture, this course will also provide introductory information on deaf culture. The objectives of this course are to provide participants with beginning ASL communication skills (including the alphabet, numbers, colors, and fingerspelling). Participants will develop the practical skills and knowledge necessary for basic interactions within the Deaf community.

Benefits Counseling

This service explains how employment impacts Social Security benefits, including SSI, SSDI, and healthcare programs like Medicare and Medicaid. It also provides information on SSA work incentives and the importance of wage reporting to avoid benefit overpayments, supporting a smooth transition to employment without jeopardizing benefits.

*This program requires a referral.

Benefits Planning

Our one-on-one support is designed to understand and explain your Benefits Planning Query (BPQY) from the Social Security Administration (SSA). This document contains detailed information about your cash benefits, health history, work history, health insurance, scheduled reviews, and access to work incentives. We ensure that you feel understood and cared for throughout this process.

*This program requires a referral.

Connecting with the Digital World

Need help getting connected to the digital world? DNEM will provide you with a tablet and assist with the setup. Together, we’ll explore your current digital footprint, address barriers to access, create accounts, and make informed decisions about using digital platforms.

Our 3-tiered service includes:

  1. Technology Assessment
  2. Connecting to resources to remove barriers and assess skills with virtual service platforms
  3. Virtual Platform Assessment & Training on your preferred platform.

*This program requires a referral.

Empowerment Training

This program is designed to enhance your advocacy skills, build self-confidence, and empower you to achieve your self-advocacy goals. Participants will engage in skill-building activities focused on: self-awareness, self-esteem, stress management, effective communication, goal-setting, conflict resolution, and positive self-advocacy.

*This program requires a referral.

Independent Living Skills Assessment

This assessment starts with a brief interview with the individual and their family or support network, if appropriate and with consent. We then develop an orientation tailored to the individual's specific needs, aligning skill development with their Independent Living goals. The hands-on Independent Living Skills Test covers home maintenance, hygiene, personal budgeting, socialization, culinary skills, and other daily living activities. Two DNEM staff members will conduct the interview, orientation, and training.

*This program requires a referral.

Pre-Employment Program (PEP)

This course offers various materials and activities to assist consumers with enhancing their vocational skills and conveying the importance of soft skills in the workplace. Participants will identify their skills, strengths, and weaknesses. During this program, information and resources related to networking, job hunting, pre-employment documents such as resumes, and interviewing techniques will be provided. In addition, participants will learn about their rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act, explore the topic of disclosing their disability, and discuss reasonable accommodation in the workplace.

*This program requires a referral.

Transportation Training

This three-day mobility training course focuses on navigating public transportation after receiving a referral.

Day One: Participants learn about public transportation safety, essential items to carry, and key do’s and don'ts.

Day Two: Participants join staff for a guided bus trip into the community, gaining hands-on experience.

Day Three: Individuals coordinate transportation from their home to practice navigating local public transit independently where needed.

This service is offered May - October

*This program requires a referral.